Flexotels – Short Stay Solutions ist der Hersteller von mobilen Unterkünften und vermietet diese auch, hauptsächlich für Festivals, Sportveranstaltungen und Firmenevents. Die Firma wurde von Hubert von Heijden gegründet, mit dem Plan, eine Vielfalt an Schlaflösungen anzubieten, die allerorts und jederzeit aufgebaut werden können.
In 2005 entstand die Idee, komfortablere Campingmöglichkeiten zu gestalten. Der erste Prototyp wurde allerdings erst 2007 hergestellt, da die Herausforderung, möglichst viele Einheiten auf einmal zu transportieren größer war als zu Anfang gedacht. Ein Jahr später wurde in weiterer Prototyp hergestellt. Im gleichen Jahr wurde die Firma Flexotels gegründet, mit einem ersten Büro in Eindhoven (NL).
2009 wurden die ersten 22 Zimmer hergestellt. Dank des großen Medieninteresse über dieses neue Produkt bekam die Firma europaweite Anfragen. Das hatte die ersten Zusammenarbeiten mit Festivals in 2010 zufolge. Die ersten belieferten Veranstaltungen waren Tomorrowland, 24-Stunden-Rennen Le Mans, Lowlands und Zwarte Cross.
Zwischen 2010 und 2016 haben wir unseren Bestand weiter ausgebaut und haben nun 250 Zimmer. Da wir eine innovative Firma sind und gerne den Wünschen unserer Kunden nachkommen, haben wir ein neues und komfortableres Produkt entwickelt. 2016 kam das Comfotel auf den Markt, eine faltbare Übernachtungsmöglichkeit, die sogar WC und Dusche beinhaltet.
Heute versorgen wir Festivals, Sportveranstaltungen und alle möglichen anderen Nachfragen europaweit mit unseren Glampingprodukten. Jedes Jahr finden mehr als 10.000 Gäste ein bequemes Bett und eine unbeschwerte Nachtruhe. Wir sind noch lange nicht fertig mit unseren Produkten, wir sind immer im Prozess, unsere Produkte zu verbessern, oder neue zu entwickeln.
We make the difference
by being ourselves
CEO & Founder
Leader of the pack and also known as the Godfather of Glamping. Has been in the business so long that it is said that even Napoleon himself stayed in a Flexotel. A pioneer and always full of ideas. Known for his very bad jokes and his words of wisdom.
Manager Buying & Planning
Without her we would fail big time. Every project begins and ends with her. Be very kind to Stephanie from mid June till end of July or she will bite. A tireless worker, undiscovered interior design talent and everyone’s favorite girl at the office (we only got one). Even checks on us when she’s on holiday.
E: stephanie@flexotels.com
(mobile) T: +31621911710
(office direct) T: +31499216062
Manager Sales DHCH
Our German Dutchman Ole doesn’t have it easy all the time. Yet he drives 1.5 hours to the office 3 times a week and still gets across the border unnoticed. With his trading experience from motorsport, he is going to ensure that Flexotels becomes the market leader in Germany.
Manager Sales and Marketing
With Emma, the question is not what she eats tonight, but where. Easy target to fool because she believes almost everything. Socially there is nothing wrong with it so, as our sales and account manager, she likes to make sure all Flexotels end up well.
Technical Projectmanager
Our latest teammember and close friend of the Von Heijdens. Drove from LeMans to Defqon.1 in 3 hours to bring keys. Is crazy about fireworks. Doesn’t stop before the work is finished. Fan of Dumpert. One of those guys you need in your team.
Project manager
This councillor of the municipality of ‘Peel and Maas’ is also seen as the leader of production. As the only woman among the tough guys, still everyone is listening to her. Her secret? Just talk a lot and pretend to know a lot about Formula 1 and soccer. She started as a trainee and now the project manager at Flexotels.
Project manager
This hospitality tiger said goodbye to his friend “Pardoes” at the Efteling to work as a project manager by Flexotels. He passed his first festival season with flying colours which is partly due to his scouting skills. Survival in harsh conditions is therefore in his blood.
Assistant projectmanager
With his sixth sense, he managed to get ahead of everyone’s thoughts. So you don’t have to explain much to him. For lunch, he eats at least three sausage rolls and two grilled sandwiches and isn’t even full yet. Furthermore, you can recognise him by his bucket hat, nobody knows what’s under there.
Assistant project manager
Our newest addition to the production can be described as technical but not that handy. If this will be usefull for us, we have to find out later in the season. This former pizza baker knows his way around. Recently, he has shown that he dives into everything and no project is too crazy for him.
Assistant project manager
You shouldn’t have any arguments with this butcher. He knows better than anyone how to slice the knife on both sides, so we are very happy with this all-rounder. He does function better in higher temperatures and a point for logistical planning, chauffeur required when Koen has to go to location….